
WiVTAG Update (Nov 2021)

Submission of our Final Report to OCC

The 18-month trial of a 7.5t weight restriction on Burford High Street is coming to an end and Oxfordshire County Council are due to make their final decision on whether to halt the scheme or make it into a permanent arrangement in January. In the end, the decision will rest with Cllr Duncan Enright who is the OCC Cabinet Member with responsibility for Travel and Development Strategy. Duncan will make his decision at a Cabinet Member Decision Meeting on 5th January 2022.

WiVTAG has continued with our campaign to halt the Burford weight limit. We have gathered evidence from local businesses, haulage companies and farmers who all complain that the Burford restriction is creating problems for them. We also have the support of 15 parish councils and town councils who are suffering the increase in HGVs coming through their roads because of the Burford restrictions.

Ahead of the final decision meeting, WiVTAG has formally submitted our Final Report to OCC and you can read a copy of this at

We have repeated our request for the Burford scheme to be stopped and we have offered a suggested alternative of a zonal weight restriction. Please read our report to see the details of this proposal. We remain relatively optimistic of a favourable outcome for Crawley and the other communities who have suffered adverse effects of the Burford scheme.